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Learn the Ikariotikos


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Whether you are considering visiting Ikaria or whether you are already on the island, locals would definitely urge you to take part in one of the many feasts that take place all over the island especially during the summer months. In one of those feasts whether it be tucked away in a clearing of a forest or in the main square of a village you are sure to witness local people drinking wine along with tourists and enjoying themselves till morning. And when the violinist plays the first note of the Ikarian traditional dance, you will see that everybody stops chatting and storms to the dance floor to become a member of the circle that dances away to the rhythm for long …


If you want to get a taste of the Ikarian dance but also prepare for the impending feasts, you can come to THE EGG where you can observe a thorough analysis of the dance and experience some of its magic together with your friends and/or family.


An important goal of ours is to bring the experience of Ikariotikos to the student deeply enough to carry it out into their everyday lives. Ultimately, all Greek dance is a ritual, a communication, an emotion, a journey… sometimes even ecstasy! Come and experience our dance!

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Είτε σκέφτεστε να επισκεφθείτε την Ικαρία είτε είστε ήδη εδώ ένα από τα πράγματα που θα σας πρότεινε να κάνετε ένας Καριώτης είναι να συμμετέχετε σε ένα από τα πολλά πανηγύρια που λαβαίνουν χώρα στο νησί κυρίως το καλοκαίρι. Σε ένα πανηγύρι που διαδραματίζεται μέσα στη φύση ή σε κάποια πλατεία του χωριού θα συναντήσετε κόσμο ντόπιο μαζί με τουρίστες να πίνουν κρασί παρέα και να γλεντούν ως το πρωί.Κι όταν ακουστεί στο βιολί η πρώτη νότα του Καριώτικου σκοπού ξαφνικά βλέπετε όλον τον κόσμο να σταματά την κουβέντα, να αφήνει το κρασί και να πηγαίνει ολοταχώς να πιαστεί στον κύκλο.Και ο σκοπός αυτός να παίζει ώρα πολλή …

Αν θέλετε να πάρετε μια γεύση του Καριώτικου χορού και να προετοιμαστείτε πριν από ένα πανηγύρι, ελάτε στο THE EGG όπου μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε την πλήρη ανάλυσή του και να ζήσετε λίγη από τη μαγεία του.


Εν τέλει, ο Ελληνικός χορός είναι ιεροτελεστία, επικοινωνία, συναίσθημα, ταξίδι,μερικές φορές ακόμα και έκσταση!
Ελάτε να το ζήσουμε!

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“Become the change you wish
to see in the world.”



Greek Traditional Dance Instructor
Physical Education/Sports Trainer

Born in Athens/Greece 1981
Raised in Ikaria
Residence: Akamatra, Ikaria Island


2005: Graduates from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (Physical Education) of the University of Athens. Specialization: Greek traditional dancing


2004-2005 – Fieldwork and Dissertation entitled:
“The Ikariotikos dance – Structural, Morphological and typological analysis”


Complementary training and experience:

Life Member of the dance group of the department of Greek folk dances of the Municipality of Kallithea (Under the guidance of Vassilis Karfis).
Dance events with this dance group: Kallithea Municipal Theater, Davaki square Municipality of Kallithea, Cultural and Convention Center “Mikis Theodorakis” Argiroupolis the Municipality, the Municipal Theater Argiroupolis, Athens Concert Hall etc.

2013: Graduates from Yoga House Studio of Athens with a degree in Teacher Training 200 Hour and Yoga Alliance 200 Hour Certified Teacher


Professional Teaching Experience:

Greek folk dance:

  • 2014: Organization of the “Lyceum of Greek Women”, Annex Evdilos/Raxes Ikarias

  • 2012-2013: Municipality of Nea Smyrni, Attica (children groups and adult groups)

  • 2009 and 2006: Greek-German club of folk dances “Amalia” in Hagen, Germany (children, adolescent and adult groups)

  • 2007-2012: The Families Club of the drugs rehabilitation program ΚΕTHΕΑ Paremvassi

  • 2009-2011: 3rd P. Faliro Elementary School in collaboration with the Parents Association

  • 2005-2011: Music and Culture Association of the municipality of Ag.I.Rentis, Attica

  • 2005-2007: Music and Culture Association of Rodopolis, Attica

  • 2004-2005: Cultural Association “Friends of our tradition, “Ilissia, Athens

  • 2004: Youth association of Ikaria, Athens

  • 2004: Goudi Sports Centre, Athens


Management and organization of traditional dance performances:

  • 2005-2011: Music and Culture Association of the municipality of Ag. I. Rentis, Attica. Annual music and dance show

  • 2005-2007: “The Rose” musical and Cultural Association of Rodopolis, Attica. Annual music and dance shows

  • 2004-2005: Cultural Association “Friends of our tradition” Ilissia, Athens. Annual music and dance shows

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